Elizabeth Craig
Broker's Assistant

Hi there! I’m Elizabeth Craig, Susan’s go-to gal at McCallion & McCallion. I was born and raised in the Florida Heartland and lived there my whole life. When I say I am a Florida girl, I mean it! I can not handle the cold. I could live my whole life at the beach (with sunscreen, of course).

I moved to Fort Myers in 2020 to attend Florida Gulf Coast University after graduating high school during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic. Starting college during such a uniquely challenging time taught me how to make the best of every situation. I thoroughly enjoyed my time at FCGU where I graduated early with a BS in Finance and a Real Estate concentration.

After graduating from college I knew I didn't want to leave Southwest Florida. I had grown to love the local community over the years and even enjoyed volunteering with our local organizations. As you probably know, nothing beats such a short drive to the beach and the many other amenities SWFL offers. Besides the beach, I love exploring the peaceful nature trails like the one photographed here.

So, with a degree focused on real estate finance and a love for Southwest Florida, I’m thrilled to join McCallion & McCallion. Susan and our other team members have such a wealth of knowledge that I’m eager to soak in. Plus, I can’t wait to meet many of you along the way!

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